Monday, February 28, 2011

Makes Me Smile Monday

This is naptime here at my house.  The little guy will no longer nap in his crib (ugh) but will peacefully fall asleep next to me on the couch as we watch DVR'd episodes of Wild Russia, Undersea Edens or other various nature shows.  Sometimes the path of least resistance is the most quiet and calm for both kiddo and mommy ;-)

While the little guy is snoozing and motionless, our little in utero gal is busy kicking and wiggling all over the place.  A contrast that brings a smile to my face. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Makes Me Smile Monday

Starting the day out with "Colossal" cinnamon rolls.  Hubby and my brother, who did come to visit afterall (yay!), made a quick trip to the grocery to grab some of these rolls.  They are HUGE, maybe 6-7 inches in diameter!  And oh, so good.

And then this afternoon the fellas took a trip downtown to the fish market and picked up some live crabs.  To some this might not seem like such a big deal but growing up in the midwest we just didn't get fresh seafood.   The guys cooked them up with some crab boil spices we found at Penzey's Spices.  They were impressed with the taste of their culinary endeavor, but said that it was a lot of work to get the meat out of the crabs.  Also on the downside, our whole house has a boiled fishy smell.  Ew, that doesn't make me smile much.  But it was fun to see them experiment in the kitchen and to watch the kids reaction to live crabs clamoring around in the sink.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Good Find

Yeah, I know this looks excessive but when I tell you the deal I got you'll understand.  Each of these bottles of Tide were on sale for $4.99, regular price $7.99.  AND I had a $1.00 of coupon for each one.  So that brought the price for each bottle down to $3.99. 
Reg. price                  $55.93
sale price & coupons  -27.93
Total savings              $28.00

Gotta love a good deal like that.  I really feel like I'm sticking it to Safeway and Proctor & Gamble when I can team up a sale and coupons.  It almost takes the sting away from all the diapers I've bought over the years.  Almost.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I love you even when you're stinky

I would've posted this little idea before Valentine's Day and linked to a few parties ahead of time but this hit me last minute.  Yep, it was one of those lying in bed, trying to get back to sleep in the middle of the night ideas.

My husband isn't really a gadget, sports, or car kind of guy.  Food is the way to his heart.  I really wanted to get him a big bunch of chocolate and candy this year.  But lately we are both trying to resist the urge to eat sweets.  So when I stumbled upon this idea of pickled onions I knew he would love it for several reasons.

You see, my dad is really allergic to onions.  Even the smell of them will make him sick.  Growing up we were a strictly onion-free house.  I really don't like the way onions taste, detest the way they smell and don't enjoy cutting them at all.  So what better way to show someone the true extent of your love than to make them something that you absolutely hate.  Ugh, the house smelled of onions and vinegar for a whole day.  Not pleasant for an onion-hating pregnant gal ;-)

From the idea of just the onions I came up with this:

A basket filled with all sorts of food stuffs reflecting different moods.
I attached this little note that reads:  I love you no matter what mood you're in!  No fancy labels here....just store-bought doilies and my messy handwriting.  But my hubby wouldn't want it any other way ;-)
Tomatillo salsa: I love you when you're spicy

Blue tortilla chips: I love you when you're blue

Jelly Belly Kids Mix: I love you when you're childish

Pickled onions: I love you even when you're stinky

Chocolates: I love you when you're sweet
Lemonade: I love you even when you're sour

It was fun finding foods to fit the different moods.  I really could've gone overboard but decided that we didn't need a bunch of snacks stuffing our small kitchen cupboards.

I think this gift idea would work for more than just Valentine's Day.  It would be perfect for an "I Love You" gift (that's what my mom calls little gifts that she surprises us with.  One of the many sweet things about her) or a quick pick-me-up for a friend or spouse that is down.  And of course, you super crafty gals out there could come up with some fancy little labels to attach or even make your own goodies to stuff in the basket.  I would love to see what you create!

*Update:  My husband has declared that the pickled onions are scrumptious and even mentioned trying to can some once we are settled after our next move.  My brother tried them the other night at dinner and he liked them too.  I'll have to take their word for it, I couldn't get past the smell to try any!
I'm linking to:

Dittle Dattle


Texas Monkey

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What We're Reading Wednesday

Lately, my Hubby has been taking the kiddos to the library each week.  The Lil' Miss gets so excited to pick out her own books and she has really picked some winners.  So I thought I would share some with you with what I hope to be a weekly feature here on Wednesdays.

This is my daughter's favorite library pick from last week.
Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Melinda Long & David Shannon

 The illustrations are very colorful and filled with details.  This is one of our favorite pages.

And the story itself is really very cute.  Of course anytime you combine pirates and a baby, funny things happen like sneezed strained spinach covering the faces of the crew.

My only complaint about this particular book is that it is just long enough that my voice is hurting by the end of it from talking like a pirate. ;-)

Guilty TV pleasures

Okay, we all have shows that we would hesitate to admit we like.  No, not THOSE kind of shows.  Not the late night, need to be locked under the parental control setting shows.

Since no one reads this blog anyways, I'll share without feeling ashamed. ;-)  The other night my husband stumbled upon this documentary while channel surfing.

After watching for just a few minutes we were hooked.  It is all about this particular family, the Whites, who live in WV.  And whoa, it was like driving past a pile up on the'd really rather not look, but something inside of you makes you turn your head to catch a glimpse of the wreckage.  All I can say is wow, it is nothing but a continual parade of drugs, drinking, drama and white trash stereotypes.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not judging these folks.  My husband and I both have some shady characters in our families.  But there was just something about watching this family that drew us in.

You can find more info about this documentary at  So if you're looking for something that is both shocking and entertaining check this movie out.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Makes Me Smile Monday - Late Edition

So many things brought a smile to my face yesterday.

*Seeing these two bunches of flowers on the table.  Hubby was so sweet to get both of the gals in his life a bouquet for Valentine's.  Our daughter was so excited that she received flowers of her own.

*Seeing Lil' Miss get so excited to go to dance class in the morning.

*Warmer temperatures and lots of sunshine!

*Getting a call from my husband saying that he was done working for the day and he was headed towards dance class to peek in our daughter.  What a surprise for all of us!  She loved seeing Daddy though the window.

*Having lunch out at Chipotle.  What a treat to actually go into a restaurant and sit down for a meal.  Nowadays we just do carryout or usually eat at home.

*Gelato and some awesome coffee for our after-lunch snack.

*Taking the kids to the playground to run off above-mentioned gelato.  They had such a good time running, sliding and swinging.  I cannot wait for Spring so we can all get out more often.

*Early baths for the kiddos.  It was so nice to have that job out of the way so we didn't have to rush around after dinner like usual.

*Heart-shaped pizzas for dinner.

*My daughter opening the bathroom door just as I was about to get in the shower.  She got such a kick out of seeing the surprise on my face.

*My hubby kindly offering to pay for my brothers' way out to come visit us.  He has yet to see all the sights in DC and I know he would truly enjoy it.

*Finally getting caught up on a little laundry.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More than 10 quick ones

I mentioned in an earlier post (read about it here) about my 10 minute clean-up/organizing jobs around the house.  Somehow I think it is going to take more than a quick 10 minutes to clean up the high chair.  I am ashamed to even show this picture but this is what was hiding under the chair cover.  Ew.  Bit and crumbs of just about everything imaginable.  I can't even identify some of the stuff that was caked to the underside of the cover.  All I know is that it smells BAD

I think I need to make cleaning all the nooks and crannies of the high chair a priority from now on.  I don't want to be the one responsible for inviting Mr. E. Coli into our home.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Shoe horn anyone?

I am in need of a shoe horn.  You know the old-fashioned ones that seemed to be everywhere when I was a kid. 

Lately, it seems like as soon as my butt connects with the couch, I turn into a total slug.  I spend time watching mindless tv, browsing lots of other blogs and wishing I had the time and talent that so many others out there in blogland seem to have.  I make mental lists of all the things that need to be done or should be done before the baby arrives.  I then of course gravitate to worrying about the baby, if she will come early or if she won't, and how the delivery will all play out. 

At that point it is usually 11pm and I waddle my way downstairs to my little crafty corner and spend an hour or so puttering around without accomplishing anything major.  I then beat myself up over wasting so much time, while knowing that I don't have much time to waste these days.  Then I vow that tomorrow will be different and that I am NOT plopping down on the couch like usual.

Tomorrow comes and you know heiny is velcroed to the couch AGAIN! 

Aaaaagggghhhhh!  It is a viscious cycle!  And I think the only solution is a giant-sized shoe horn.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

For the Record

Just for the record....

1 pre-schooler + 1 toddler + couscous = a big mess!

I made the mistake of serving couscous to the kids tonight at dinner.  Yeah, it won't be on the menu again anytime soon.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Losin' it

I am losing it.  In the past few weeks I have.....

*Called my mom the day before her birthday and sang Happy Birthday to her thinking it was the right day.  Ooops

*We now have 25 rolls of paper towels in our basement only because I didn't realize we already had a bunch stashed on the shelf.

*Lost a beloved family recipe that my MIL gave me over the holidays.  Wouldn't be a big deal except that this is the 2nd time I have lost it over the years.  Thankfully, I found it stashed in my wallet (of all places) because I was too embarassed to ask her for it again.

*Didn't think to unlock the door when I went outside to toss out the trash.  And of course, the Little Guy slamed the door shut.  There I was locked out, no shoes, no coat, no cell phone, no extra key stashed under a rock somewhere, eggs cooking away on the stove, daughter playing quietly in her room and son staring at me while I beat away on the door.  Yeah, play that one out in your mind for a bit;  Eggs start to burn, smoke alarm goes off, kids freak out.  Oh boy, it could've been bad, real bad.  Thankfully, I got the attention of my daughter and she was able to get the door unlocked.  She was the Hero of the day, that is for sure.

*Totally spaced my daughter's tumbling/dance class.  I finally remembered when there was only about 15 minutes left of the class.  There was no way I could make it with two kids to dress, bundle in coats and buckle in car seats.  Luckily, she didn't even realize we missed it but I still feel so guilty.

*And even though it doesn't make much of a difference, I am continually screwing up the trash and recycling pickup days.  Last night I told my hubby we needed to get the trash rounded up.  I was thinking that today was Weds not Tuesday.  Anymore, we just laugh about it because it seems like I'm messing it up each week.

None of these things really are a big deal (well, other than getting locked out of the house) but when you group them all together, I really do feel like I'm losing my marbles.  This is the worst case of Mommy Brain I've had yet.  I can only imagine how bad it will be after the baby gets here and I'll be responsible for 3 little ones.  I think I will just have to say a bunch of prayers to get me through the chaos.