About Me

About me...well, where to start, what to say?

I am a pretty simple person.  I enjoy little things like going for ice cream on a summer evening, the smell of fresh laundry, watching snow flakes fall, hearing my kids giggling.

I am the mother to two wonderful kiddos: Lil Miss is nearly 3.5, Handsome Man 18 months.  And Baby #3 will arrive sometime mid-March 2011.  Yes, that is 3 kids in less than 4 years.  I'm either crazy or smart to get the diaper-changing out of the way all at once.

My husband had a major career change in Oct 2006 and since then life has truly become an adventure.  We have moved a total of 6 times in less than 4 years.  And we are moving once again in August 2011. 

But for all the craziness, uprooting and minor annoyances that come with this "lifestyle", we are blessed in so many ways.  I'm starting this blog as a way to remind myself that life truly is what you make of it and that a positive attitude can help you get through just about anything in life.

So join me as I write about the mundane and crazy things that happen with our family.  I promise there will be plenty of crafts, kids, and chaos!